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Ben Turner

We are Voltstorm and we play rock and roll

Since my last entry, things have been very busy on the live performance front. I was contacted by a London band called Voltstorm who play hard hitting, heavy rock music. They were looking for a bassist for a few shows and, seeing how i've transitioned into playing bass as well as guitar, it seemed like a natural fit. plus, playing heavy rock is always a blast so i couldn't say no!

They sent me their setlist, which is about an hour of material in total and sent me on my merry way to learn the tracks before the first rehearsal. We got together, it sounded sick and we were off to the races. The first thing that struck me was their professionalism and drive. I mean, anyone who turns up with rack-mounted gear for their wireless systems is pretty fucking serious so that was an awesome start. The guys are hilarious, kind and very welcoming which was great for being the new guy in the band.

We've played a few shows so far, Breaking Bands festival, the Spice of Life in Soho and recently we came back from our first international show at the Pannonian Rock Festival in Croatia which was a wonderful experience. The show went well and, despite a few technical difficulties for me (my wireless guitar pack fell out TWICE) and the heat and humidity making it pretty difficult to play finger-style, everything was gravy.

This Friday, we are supporting the band Fury at the Cart and Horses in Stratford, which is the birthplace of Iron Maiden. This is gonna be a sick show and i can't wait to melt some faces. We've got a couple of awesome surprises up our sleeve for this one, so this is going to be a blast.

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