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Ben Turner

The Black Spines - a guitar tracking odyssey.

Yesterday i was in London to start tracking the vast majority of my guitar parts for the upcoming Black Spines album. Arriving at Summerhouse studios just before 10am, morning coffee and conversation was exchanged whilst setting up and getting the first amp sounds of the day sorted. As the producer, Finn, had access to hundreds of amazing amp sounds we decided to play around with a couple so we could get a great balance of tones. For the most part i was using a 1992 Les Paul Studio that i have recently brought out again and dusted off. Needless to say, the sounds it was producing were absolutely delicious. Initially when we were starting pre-production on the album i was using a classic vibe telecaster, but on listening back to the recordings i felt that if myself and Alvaro, the main guitarist and songwriter in the Black Spines, were both using single coiled guitars, we were missing a great chunk of total differences that would have complimented each other. As for the amp choices, i decided on using a Suhr amp and a Diezel amp, though the latter was primarily for solos which required high gain. Having never used a Suhr amp, i was stunned by the beautiful clean tones that it was achieving, with just a hint of dirt and grit, reminiscent on old Marshall heads. Alvaro himself joined us at the studio and it was great to see him, catch up and get his input on what we were recording. We shared many a laugh between takes and he even managed to show me a couple of new ideas for the next Black Spines album, which sounded absolutely awesome! Bring it on!

We managed to smash through two songs completely and start on a third before a quick lunch break, then went back to continue tracking the remaining tunes we had planned on completing that day. I was pleasantly surprised by how much we had gotten completed since starting about 10:30 that morning. After a couple more hours, we had finished 5 songs in total from start to finish before the Black Spines bassist Toni arrived to take over recording duties and he managed to get through a few songs before we called it a day.

As mentioned in my previous post i was looking forward to studio testing the new cables i recently purchased and i must say, i was incredibly impressed. There was no tonal loss at all, in fact quite the opposite. The rig was sounding beastly and i am very excited to head back into the studio tomorrow to finish off the remaining songs so we are all caught up and completed before the Christmas break.

Until next time.

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