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Ben Turner

Christmas gigs are some of the most fun...

Hello again!

I'm writing this from the comfort of a cosy flat on the borders of France and Switzerland. I've been here for a little over ten days now, i'm on guitar and vocal duties with the band Zinc. We've been hired to be the party band at a number of ski resorts and, my god, are we having fun. We've gigged so much for so many different people and it is an absolute blast. So far we have had almost a dozen gigs in our time out here and we have a load more planned til just before we leave. The set comprises of a load of classic tracks, some more modern bangers and of course, a couple of John Mayer tunes thrown in for good measure!

Zinc is a three-piece and the rhythm section is tight as fuck. The fantastic Louie Potts holding the beat down superbly, whilst Kwesi McIntosh keeps the low end solid and groovy. We've listened to a shit load of Vulfpeck whilst out here and that has certainly had an influence on our playing as our endeavours to get in the pocket and stay there are never ending. Honestly, some of the best gigs i've played in a long while. For some unknown reason i keep breaking the same string repeatedly. Bloody D string. I restrung the guitar fully on Tuesday morning as i snapped the D string, played two full shows, about 90-100 minutes each show, then during yesterday's afternoon set, the D string snapped again! I dunno if it is to do with the cold temperature or the thrashing im giving the strings, but im not impressed! These things are send to test us at least... Fortunately i brought a shit load of spare strings and a spare guitar so its alllllllllllll good.

The damned altitude is screwing me up a little bit, what with the crazy cold temperatures and ever changing altitude, my equilibrium is fucked! It's par for the course though and, aside from a few days holed up in bed trying to shake the flu, we have rocked every single gig. Getting to work with Lou and Kwesi every day, grooving with em and having fun, making music and seeing people lose their minds, it is such a magical experience.

I will be sad when the experience is over, but i'll leave being grateful for having spent my time working with such awesome musicians.

Until next time.

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